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CoolTone™ 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

CoolTone Columbus Ohio

Simplified Muscle Contouring — Without The Surgery

CoolTone 一种越来越流行的塑形创新是针对脂肪下面的肌肉设计的吗. 这种非侵入性手术在追求健美身材的男性和女性中特别受欢迎, 无论是在减肥之旅之后,还是仅仅在节食和锻炼没有看到预期的结果之后. Our providers like to say that CoolTone is like doing 20,000 crunches without ever having to get on the ground!



CoolTone是无创人体塑形领域的最新创新. From the creators of CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis), CoolTone is a revolutionary technology that strengthens, 公司, tones the areas of the abdomen, 臀部, 和大腿. 与它的脂肪冷冻产品CoolSculpting不同,CoolTone没有冷冻组件. 而不是, 它使用电磁信号来强化潜在的肌肉纤维,提高它们的清晰度.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike surgical fat reduction procedures like 抽脂术, CoolTone is completely noninvasive. CoolTone的工作原理是通过皮肤的皮下皮肤和脂肪层发送长达7厘米的磁肌肉刺激(MMS),以到达下面的肌肉. 这种刺激只针对肌肉层,引起不随意肌收缩. The body’s response to these contractions is to strengthen muscle fibers, resulting in improved muscle conditioning.

CoolTone设备的磁场强度比其竞争对手高出50%, giving it an edge that no body sculpting device has seen before.

Patients who are looking for better muscle definition may choose CoolTone, while those looking for fat reduction may choose CoolSculpting. 然而,同时使用这两种处理系统有一个主要的好处!

CoolSculpting and CoolTone are two sides of the same coin; they work in tandem to help transform your physique. Generally, fat is treated first, then muscle. CoolSculpting患者通常是CoolTone的理想选择,因为他们的脂肪层已经减少了, 这意味着CoolTone设备可以深入到下面的肌肉组织中. 接近健身目标的人也是CoolTone的理想人选.

The most popular areas for CoolTone are the abdomen, 臀部, 和大腿 — these areas respond very well to treatment. 目前正在研究CoolTone对身体其他部位的影响.

CoolTone通常对接近健身目标的患者最有效. Unfortunately, not every person is a candidate for these treatments. Education is at our core, 我们会和你一起决定你是否是CoolTone的合适人选, what kinds of results you can expect, or if there is a treatment option better suited to address your concerns.

There is no downtime for CoolTone. 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后你可能会感到疼痛,这种疼痛可能会持续几天, but there is no limitation on patient activity during this recovery period. 您可以立即恢复正常活动,包括工作和锻炼.

Results can start to be seen as soon as three weeks following treatment. Patients return to the office for follow-up four to eight weeks later. 这是所有肌肉纤维重建和完全看到结果所需要的时间. 访问期间, 你可以决定是继续进行另一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,还是继续前进,享受结果.

CoolTone是根据澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域的大小和加强该区域肌肉所需的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网次数来定价的, for which package pricing is available. The starting price is under $1,000, package pricing is available. 由于这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网不使用麻醉和手术室,因此可以节省大量费用.

我们的CoolTone专家会为每位患者提供免费的CoolTone咨询,以便您可以讨论您的需求以及您正在寻找的结果. 之后, 我们的专家可以回答您的任何问题,并推荐他们认为可以帮助您最好地实现目标的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法.

通常情况下,澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网安排在您首次CoolTone咨询后几天. 然而, if the CoolTone device is not being used at the same time, 在您咨询后,可能会立即提供澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

For the typical CoolTone treatment, our provider will place the CoolTone applicator on the treatment area, 然后,在“预热”阶段,设备会在皮肤上发出细微的轻拍. After two minutes of warm-up, the machine begins issuing contractions. 强度可以根据澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的需要调高或调低. After 12 ½ minutes of contractions, there is another two-minute break with tapping to break up any lactic acid. 在两分钟的冷却之前,还有12分半钟的收缩.

The treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes. Patients can relax during their treatment in our CoolTone suite, complete with a TV for your entertainment.

大多数患者在开始CoolTone澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后不久就注意到肌肉张力和清晰度的初步改善. 然而,最佳效果通常是在完成一个完整的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网周期后的几周内看到的. 随着时间的推移,CoolTone的累积效果可以随着澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网肌肉的加强和调整而继续改善.

维护, bolster and prolong results, 我们建议遵循健康的生活方式,包括定期锻炼和均衡饮食. 你的医生可以根据你的目标提供澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后护理和维持策略方面的指导.

Schedule Your CoolTone Treatment & 紧张起来!

CoolTone为寻求塑造和加强肌肉的个人提供了一种非侵入性和有效的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 凭借其先进的电磁技术和可定制的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案, 这种非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以帮助你获得更明确和运动的体格. We invite you to call us at 614-442-7610 to schedule your personal consultation with our CoolTone specialist today.

